Sunday, February 26, 2012

Visualize Opportunity

     One of the most frustrating things while trying to learn something new is dealing with failure.  For myself, a lot times I would engage in the self fulling prophecy. Simplest explanation of that is simply you believe yourself that you will fail.  Because of that doubt and crippling fear, you do fail.  Now do not fret because this is all fixable.  It goes back to my previous post about having the right frame of mind.  You have to know from the beginning what your goal is how you want to obtain.  Visualize it.  If you have never visualized before, try it right now.  That's right, simply close your eyes and merely remember what color your hair is.  Now were you able to imagine that hair of yours? If so, that's how you visualize at your finest.  Its all a matter of fun and creativity.  Now if you visual yourself succeeding in the first.  Two really great things happen.

       1. You feel better, and who wouldn't want to ultimately feel better?  You take the pressure off yourself as you're able to ease and merely coast into certain situations with ease.  Much like how one skilled at yoga can ease into eye popping positions. It's quite breathe taking actually.  Now for me personally, I love meeting new people.  Especially, enticing young ladies who have a lot going on for them.  When I might approach one I start having doubts, or worries, or worse I completely look down or away and the moment has passed.  That in itself feels awful.  My job is help you feel better.

     2. The second really quite thing that happens when you visualize is you have a warm picture of you already succeeding.  Wonderful right?  That school you wanted to get into, that job you needed, that person you've been crushing on returns your feelings.  All good visualizations and feelings.  Creativity and your brain are really powerful and fantastic motivators to help you succeed.

     Now the secret to obtain all this is yourself.  You have to be willingly ready to go the extra mile and work hard. That will include missed nights of sleep, hanging out with your friends, set backs, growth, learning, practice, experience, and determination.  For me I a started out as a musician, I learned how to play several instruments, found mentors, made demos, played shows, radio shows, learned, listened, humbled myself, and keep going at it everyday.  This blog is an extension of my original goal, to help myself become a better and spread the dream of Life and Serenity.  I love reading and obtaining knowledge, it does not mean I'll always succeed but I still never give up.  That's what the key to dealing with failure every time.  When you have opportunity to grow and meet new people.  You open yourself to learn and grow.  Knowledge is power, this is said a lot, but it is true and will never stop being true.  People who never learn constantly miss opportunities.

     This is why you hear about people who always seem to be complaining about the same thing. They are stuck in a rut.  They failed once in an attempt, or maybe they failed because they never even tried at all.  That's both heartbreaking and frustrating because humans we all have so much potential to for anything.  Think about that one really inspirational person you know, now one thing they may tell about their success is they always kept going.  They went after opportunities.  When you want something so bad, and you know what that is for yourself, I know what mine is.  You will want to scrap, dig, hunt, and do whatever you can to get what you want.  You must be able to spot those opportunities by being aware and focusing on your goals.  Here are some tips to direct you further.

     1. Watch who you have around you.  Negative breeds negative.
     2. Try new things, and engage in those activities you always wanted to do.
     3. Learn the how to differentiate from positive feedback negative feedback.
     4. Keep and remain in a positive frame of mind.
     5. Keep a log or a journal.
     6. Take time for yourself and always find time to relax.

     Opportunities are one of the most crucial keys for success.  Time waits for no one, remember to keep alert and focus.  Visualize yourself succeeding and learn from set backs.  No one is perfect, keep reminding yourself of that.  Have a support team.  The most important thing in closing is always remember to learn and to grow.

David Reid

Saturday, February 25, 2012

New Beginnings

     When one acquires peace and the thirst to learn, they acquire much.  Many grow older and determine after high school that their learning is over.  What most people don't realize is that they never stop learning.  People despise school because it's "work" and its not enjoyable.  This is the result of a negative state of mind.  When one enters a negative mentality that affects relationships and it stunts personal growth.  Many close themselves off to new ideas and become dangerously threatened by what they do not understand.  Fear is a crippling emotion and it's what causes passive-aggressive behavior.  It causes you to run for the rest of your life.  Instead of fighting the good fight and winning for a cause.  If you were to day right now, think for a moment.  Would you have a positive legacy or a negative legacy?  Did you waste your life being cynical, bitter, stubborn, and condescending to people?  Or did you spend your time loving, nurturing, enlightening, and developing people.  

     A lot times it's very necessary to figure out the type of person we ourselves are before we try to bring about change.  It's about a concept of how we react when things happen.  If it rains the day you planned a picnic, do you complain and curse the sky or do you seek other ways to enjoy yourself.  It's all about a state of mind.  One who wishes to learn more and become more diverse does not drag a man into the street and beat him for his own ways of thinking.  Rather he seeks to understand why that man feels the way he does. One who wishes to learn realizes that they can learn from anyone.  If a fool leaves his keys in a technician, and his car is stolen.  One can say, "Ah, I must always make sure to have my keys with me." If a man wishes to get stronger physically, he goes and asks someone who is already strong. When someone wishes to learn they must always find the right teacher.

    There are plenty of good students, but not to many great teachers.  Some many people say "Give up your dreams and don't pursue them, the world is cold and it will make you freeze." I say to those people who question their ambitions now, do not understand any circumstance give up.  When you give up, you never realize how close you actually were to accomplishing your goal.  When you give up, the person who judged says to them self "Ha, I knew he couldn't do it, I'm a always right." The key to being successful in learning to being able to forgive and focus.  You are not perfect and you will make mistakes.  That's how learning is done.  Keep track of your own progress, and also collaborate and listen to what others are doing.  Practice what you are doing regularly.  Its the only way to develop and experience growth.  Do not let negative people tear you down and destroy your growth. Be sincere, and people will be willing to help.  Every chapter in your life ends with a New Beginning.